The Amberjack
Whopper Stopper Fleet
Our Large Party Muskie trolling Vessel is none other than the notorious 31ft ,1993 Sea Ray AmberJack.
The muskie machine sports a roomy 12 foot beam, twin 454s , full head, huge cockpit area, refrigerator, all Charter safety accessories, ship to shore radio, side finders, multiple GPSs, radar, etc. etc etc. Pretty much everything but cruise missiles!!! Lots of room for families, business outings, friends getting together, or the hard core muskie hunter who wants to ride in comfort while giving themselves the best shot at a trophy of a lifetime!!!
We can accommodate up to 6 guests and which almost always comes with a professional first mate to help docking, netting fish, extra rods, taking pictures of your giant, driving boat, etc. You'll love the comfort and fishability of this well maintained gem.

Muskie Trolling Adventures
(1-5 guests)
What To Bring on My Charter
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Michigan Harbor Marina
24600 Jefferson Ave,
St. Clair Shores, MI
9666 East Jefferson Ave.
Detroit, MI